Our resident worm herder and child and youth education coordinator, Jeffrey was featured in a Saanich News article on worm composting. In the article and accompanying video, Jeffrey demonstrates how worm composting can help us keep food waste out of the landfill and composting facilities, while creating a nutrient dense growing medium for gardeners. Click here to read the article ??
This month we’d also like to share a read along of Charlie’s Dirt Day by Andrew Larson, with illustrations by Jacqueline Huson-Verrelli. This is one of our favourite compost-related kids’s books here at the CEC, for younger primary school aged children. It’s about a boy who discovers that compost can help him grow fruits and vegetables in containers on his balcony! This book is suitable for children ages 3-7.
If you know of any child and/or youth resources (books, zines, videos, workshops, ect.) that would pique our young audiences interests, please let Elora know via email at [email protected].
In 2021 the Food Security Connections Video came together as a collaborative project of the Food Literacy Working Group of the Good Food Network and the Capital Region Food and Agriculture Initiatives Roundtable (CRFAIR). This project was funded by an Island Health, Community Wellness Grant and supported by the Capital Region Food and Agriculture Initiatives Roundtable (CRFAIR).
The video is meant to spur dialogues and discussions around food insecurity, hear stories from people in our community and from individuals and organizations that are working to alleviate food insecurity through food justice efforts.
Video Production UATE Storied Learning | www.uatestories.com/
Locations in Video The Compost Education Centre www.compost.bc.ca
Victoria Native Friendship Centre www.vnfc.ca/
Saanich Neighbourhood Place www.saanichneighbourhoodplace.com/
Food Rescue Project of the Food Share Network(Capital Region) www.foodsharenetwork.com/-
To learn more about the Food Security Connections Video and it’s complimentary education package please visit www.crfair.ca
What’s all the buzz about bees? Join the Compost Education Centre and the Greater Victoria Public Library to learn about the importance of pollinators and discover little known facts about native bees and the integral role they play in our local ecosystem! We’ll chat about how you can help care for bees, and demonstrate a fun and simple way to make your yard and garden more bee friendly!