Tag: news
Comfrey Bocking 14 Slips @ the CEC
October 6, 2017

Fall is prime time to plant comfrey slips and next week the CEC will be selling Comfrey Bocking 14 slips by donation!

Cold Weather Composting
October 5, 2017

Above is a link to the article written by Alysha Punnett, the CEC’s site manager, published by the Fernwood NRG.
Posted in Blog, Composting, News, Organic GardeningTeaching Gardens and Resource Centre Site Tour Teaser
September 22, 2017

Posted in Announcement, Blog, Featured, News, Organic Gardening, Reflections
Managing Mildew in the Organic Garden by Site Manager Alysha Punnett
August 17, 2017

Posted in Blog, News, Organic Gardening
Cantonese, Mandarin and Punjabi Composting Videos by the City of Vancouver
August 17, 2017
Posted in Blog, News, Organic Gardening
Fall Organic Plant Sale: Saturday August 26 @ 10AM
June 29, 2017

Posted in Announcement, Blog, Events, News, Organic Gardening
Bubbles and Bees: June 24th from 12-3pm at the CEC
June 7, 2017

Bubbles and Bees is the Compost Education Centre’s 25th Anniversary party, so come on down and help us celebrate 25 years of composting and conservation education!
Discover how the Compost Education Centre has evolved over a quarter of a century during our open-house style, family friendly, free event, which will feature musical entertainment, face painting and local wine and beer sampling by donation.
Posted in Announcement, Blog, Events, News2017 Applications Closed: Healing City Soils
June 7, 2017

Thank you for your interest in Healing City Soils, the next round of applications will be open in early 2018.
Posted in Blog, Featured, Healing City Soils, News, Partnerships
Compost Ad Challenge: snap, enter, win
May 17, 2017

Get ready to see the see the Compost Education Centre’s message rolling by you soon! Our message of composting and conservation will be advertised on the side of BC Transit buses in Victoria during the month of May. To celebrate our mobile messaging, we’re running a photo contest. Keep you eyes peeled (heh heh) for our ad on a bus when you’re walking, cycling, or driving by and then (carefully) take a photo or a selfie with the location and bus number and submit it to us. Each entry will be entered into a draw to win a $100 Whole Foods gift card.
Posted in Announcement, Blog, News