New Beneficial Insect Garden!

June 11, 2014

We’ve recently planted a garden to provide food and habitat for pollinators and other beneficial insects here at the Centre.  The goal of this garden is to provide forage for these little helpers throughout the growing season.  Plant varieties were selected based on flowering time (spring/summer/fall), colour, flower shape, and species they attract.

Scroll on down to check them out and don’t forget to drop by the Centre on June 14th for Pollination Education Day!


Wild Bergamont
Wild Bergamont (Monarda fistulosa)

Bergamont (Monarda spp.) – Also called “Beebalm”, these plants flower late in the summer and on into fall.  Wild Bergamont (Monarda fistulosa) has light purple flowers, whereas its ornamental cultivar (Monarda didyma) come in spectacular reds and pinks.  The leaves of this plant are very fragrant and can be used as a tea.


Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla)

Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) – Known for its calming effect on the nervous system, not only is this herb great as a tea, but its flowers also attract a host of beneficial insects.  Flowers in the summer; ladybugs are attracted to it.


Wild Columbine (Aquilegia canadensis)

Wild Columbine (Aquilegia canadensis) – this native species is often seen in woodlands.  It flowers earlier than many others and so is wonderful to have in a pollinator garden to extend the forage season.  It attracts butterflies, bumblebees and humming birds.

Comfrey (Symphytum spp.)

Comfrey (Symphytum spp.) – We can’t get enough of this multi-functional plant at the Compost Education Centre!  Comfrey is not only a powerful medicinal, its flowers make the bees go crazy!  Flowers in the spring through to early summer.

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) – Another medicinal that’s good for us and the good for bees!  Any lavender will do, the fragrant purple flowers attract bees, hoverflies and butterflies.


Lungwort (Pulmonaria spp)

Lungwort (Pulmonaria spp.) – This spotty-leaved, violet-flowered plant was chosen because of its early spring bloom time.  Most flowers we are familiar with bloom in the summer, and beneficial insects need food before then.  Lungwort flowers in early spring and provides food for bees.

Sweet cicely
Sweet Cicely (Myrrhis odorata)

Sweet Cicely (Myrrhis odorata) – We were lucky to have this gorgeous, useful flower volunteer in our pollinator garden!  Sweet Cicely flowers are a perfect example of the “umbel” shape that is so critical for many beneficial insects.  This shape provides a landing pad and easy access to  lots of nectar inside each of the tiny individual flowers.  Not only this, but Sweet Cicely’s anise-flavoured seeds and leaves can be used as an alternative sweetner, as a tea or just to snack on.  Please make sure you have a positive ID for this plant if you come across something that looks similar in the wild, there are poisonous look alikes!

Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare)

Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) – Tansy’s flowers are also easy to land upon and their brilliant yellow is beautiful in the garden.  Tansy flwoers in the summer and attracts lacewings.


Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)

Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) – Once again, we see the umbel flower shape here.  Yarrow flowers in the summer and attracts ladybugs, hoverflies and parasitic mini-wasps who will munch on damaging caterpillars.  Yarrow leaves and flowers can also be used as a tea to ease menstrual cramps and ease digestion.



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FernFest is coming up on the summer solstice!

June 7, 2014

Attention Victoria, you are invited to Fernwood Square on Friday night and all day Saturday, June 20 & 21, to celebrate 19 years of FernFest and the summer solstice. The weekend is filled with an eclectic line-up of musical talent that you might not know but are guaranteed to love. FernFest always showcases the very best of Victoria’s vibrant local music scene. Did we mention the event is free and open to all ages?
FernFest is a unique neighbourhood music and arts festival that began in 1995. For almost 2 decades, with the help of local businesses and many volunteers, this family friendly event has been transforming the neighbourhood into a carnival of wonder and shared celebration.
kidical mass
On Saturday, wake up and catch the Pancake Breakfast cooked up by the great folks of the Fernwood Inn. Explore the treasures of over 40 artisans and vendors, drop in for a capoeira demo on the Field of Dreams, play and make art in the Kid’s Zone. Don’t miss the Kidical Mass Bike Parade, Fernwood Art Stroll, Fernwood Paint-off, Senior’s High Tea, painting the Bubble Man’s car, silent auction, and many more fun filled surprises. Fernwood Square will be rocking all day and night with live music conveniently located in front of the beer garden. As per usual, we’ve got delicious Phillips beer and this year we’ve added Lonetree Cider on tap. Benji Duke, of the Friday Quiz, will be there to guide us through 15 music acts including The New Groovement, Bučan Bučan, Kikeyambay and High Society.
We are excited to announce that the FernFest Field of Dreams (the Vic High field) will be back for its second year! The Field is going to be all things fun. In addition to its own mini stage, we’ve got kid’s activities like balloon twisting, tie dye, a cardboard castle, face-painting, and more. Keep an eye out for clowns, magicians, storytellers, and hula hoopers! Don’t worry parents; we balance this circus extravaganza with a by-donation massage tent from ViVi Therapy.
FernFest always leaves you with a sense of wonder and celebration. The goal is to bring people together in the spirit of fun and shared experiences. Thank you to all the local businesses, silent auction donors, musicians, artists, and volunteers who come together every year to make this event possible! There is no better place to be on the longest days of the year.
For a the full program of events, check out
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Pollination Education Day on June 14th!

May 28, 2014

Without pollinators, humans and wildlife wouldn’t have much to eat! Bees, butterflies, wasps and even bats, ants, birds and beetles pollinate over 90% of the planet’s flowering plants and over 75% of human food crops.

Join us on Saturday June 14th from 10am-2pm for a day of education about creating habitat for pollinators, and what to plant in your garden to attract these valuable animals and insects.

We will also be hosting two free workshops:

Mason Bees from 10:00am-11:00am

Natural Beekeeping from 1:00pm-2:00pm

No registration is necessary, just come by and enjoy learning from local experts!

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Grow A Row 2014 is underway!

May 16, 2014

We are excited to announce that the Grow A Row program has started up once again!


Grow a Row is a community of gardeners, businesses, groups and individuals gathering together to help those in need.

The concept is simple:

Grow an extra row of food in your garden and bring it to one of the drop off locations around town where it will be distributed to food lunch programs, community kitchens, food banks and Our Place Society.

Support food justice and security in your own backyard!


Starting Saturday May 17th, the Compost Education Centre will be accepting donations of excess garden produce from 10:00am-4:00pm.  All produce collected at our Centre at 1216 North Park St will be promptly delivered to Our Place and added to the nourishing meals they provide to people in need in our community.  Our Place serves over 1,200 meals a day, 5 days a week and your extra tomatoes, zucchini, kale or other veggies will help make them even more nutritious and tasty.

If you’d like to donate produce from your garden but live in a different part of town, please check out our list of drop-off locations to find the closest one to you:

Burnside Gorge
Burnside Gorge Community Association, 471 Cecelia Road

Mondays & Wednesdays: 7:30-9am & 5-8:30pm

Produce donated to Burnside Gorge Community Association.

Sunriver Community Gardens
(at the notice chalkboard)

Wednesday: before 4:00pm

Produce donated to Sooke Food Bank.

Victoria West
Vic West Community Centre, 521 Craigflower Road

Monday: 9:00am-4:00pm

Produce donated to S.A.F.F.E. Monday Night group dinners/ Burnside Gorge Community Association .

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We’re hiring! Site and Program Assistant

April 17, 2014

CEC Logo Colour Digital


Job Posting 

Site and Program Assistant

Compost Education Centre


The Compost Education Centre (CEC) is a charitable, not for profit organization that provides composting, organic gardening and conservation education to residents of the Capital Regional District.

We are seeking an energetic and motivated person to join our team as the Site and Program Assistant.  This is a part-time position based on a 30 hour work week (0.86 FTE).

Work Week: Wednesday to Saturday, 8:30am – 4:30pm with a half hour unpaid lunch break.

Wage: $13.00 per hour

Start Date: May 14

End Date: August 30

Closing Date for Applications: 4:00pm, Tuesday, April 29, 2013

Applicants who have been selected for an interview will be notified by Thursday, May 1st.

* Only participants eligible for Canada Summer Jobs will be considered.

Eligibility criteria:

–          be between 15 and 30 years of age at the start of the employment;

–          have been registered as full-time students in the previous academic year and intend to return to school on a full-time basis in the next academic year;

–          be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or persons to whom refugee protection has been conferred under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act; and,

–          be legally entitled to work in Canada in accordance with relevant provincial/territorial legislation and regulations.

Please submit your cover letter, resume and two references with the subject heading “Site and Program Assistant Application” by email to:

Alysha Punnett, Site Manager

E-mail: [email protected]

Compost Education Centre

1216 North Park Street

Victoria, BC  V8T 1C9

Phone calls and late or faxed resumés will not be accepted. We regret that only those applicants being considered will be contacted.

Job Description

The Site and Program Assistant reports to the Executive Director, the Site Manager, and the Education Coordinator.  Responsibilities include working with the Site Manager to maintain the demonstration site, assisting the Education Coordinator with site tours and providing support for other CEC programs. The Site and Program Assistant will also work in the office responding to customer questions and needs.

Job Summary

Site Assistance (70%):

–          Assist the Site Manager in the maintenance of the Demonstration Gardens including areas which highlight permaculture, native plants, organic vegetable gardening, rainwater catchment, and other techniques;

–          Assist the Site Manager in the maintenance of the composting program including worm harvesting, compost sifting, and building worm bins;

–          Assist Site Manager in organization and maintenance of site structures, including Strawbale building, composting toilet, micro-irrigation system, tool sheds, tools, storage areas, and greenhouse;

–          Assist Site Manager in the coordination of Site Volunteers.

Program Assistance and General Tasks (30%):

–     Assist with Site Tours for children and adults;

–     Assist with other ongoing programs and priorities;

–     Respond to hotline calls, emails and site visitors: Answer composting questions, sell composting supplies and promote the Centre’s services;

–     Assist with other general tasks of the Centre (newsletter articles, outreach, special events, etc).


–          Knowledge of composting practices and principles

–          Knowledge or experience in organic gardening practices and principles an asset

–          Ability to perform physical labour, must enjoy hands on physical work. Carpentry, construction or handyperson skills an asset

–          Experience working with children and youth

–          Flexibility, initiative, creativity and problem solving skills

–          Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to communicate both verbally and in writing

–          Demonstrated organizational and planning skills, ability to meet deadlines

–          Experience working or volunteering in a non-profit environment is an asset

–          Experience providing supervision and training for volunteers is an asset

–          Experience with MS Office including Word, Excel, and Outlook

–          Experience with Access an asset



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You’re invited to our Annual General Meeting!

April 5, 2014

Spring SLR-15

It’s that time of year again where we gather to review the past year, our plans for the new year, enjoy delicious food, and learn something new. This year’s AGM speaker will be Cat Orr. Cat will be speaking about some exciting new initiatives with rainwater catchment in schools. We will also be voting on the 2013 budget and will be voting on some membership pricing and benefits. Your input is vital – so we hope to see you there!

Everyone is welcome to attend the AGM.  Members who have been in good standing with the Compost Education Centre have voting rights at the meeting.

When:  Sunday April 13th, 1:00-3:00pm

Where:  The straw bale building at the Compost Education Centre, 1216 North Park St

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Join us for Rainy Days on Sat April 12th!

April 4, 2014

Spring SLR-11

If the rainy days of early spring are getting you down, try thinking about rainwater as your friend and ally in the garden! In Victoria, we receive an average of 2 feet of rainfall each year. Most of the rain that hits our properties and streets is flushed away through a complex stormwater collection infrastructure and pours into harbours, lakes and river systems, often taking harmful pollutants and heavy metals with it.  By collecting and storing rainwater in your property, you can help prevent these pollutants from entering our waterways and treat rainwater as the precious resource it is.

Rainwater collected from a rooftop can be a high quality water source, as it contains none of the chlorine found in centralized water supplies and is the perfect temperature for plants, which makes it ideal for use in the garden.  Stored rainwater provides an ideal source of readily available water, particularly during long dry summers or in locations facing declining groundwater levels. Rain gardens, permeable paving, green roofs, rain barrels, cisterns and infiltration chambers are all examples of rainwater management methods. They can create natural, beautiful landscapes and public spaces.

Join us in our fabulous demonstration gardens to learn more about rainwater harvesting systems and practices in your community. In partnership with the CRD, we’ll be bringing together community and municipal groups involved in rainwater management, as well as hosting two free workshops about stormwater education, rainwater harvesting, and choosing the right systems. You will be entered to win a free rain barrel too!

Register for a FREE rainwater harvesting workshop here!

Rainy Days has received generous support from RBC and is proudly supported by the CRD.

Subsidized rain cisterns will be available on a first come first serve basis, with 10 of each size available for purchase. Limit one per household, payment options include credit card, debit, cash or cheque. Pick-up of the cisterns will be at Van Isle Water Systems with proof of purchase – 461 Dupplin Road, Victoria Store Hours: 7.30am-5.00pm Weekdays, 8.00am-Noon Saturdays.

100 Gallon (455 Liters) Rain Barrel complete with easy to install Diverter System with Overflow and Drain Kit. Cost $202.92 Savings of over 60%!
CYS_RKUT400 large cistern
400 Gallon (1818 Liters) Slimline Rain Tank complete with All-in-One Downspout
400 Gallon (1818 Liters) Slimline Rain Tank complete with All-in-One Downspout Diverter with 6’ of Flex Pipe and easy to install Overflow and Drain Kit / Cost $587.72. Savings of over 60%!














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Thoughts on classroom worm bins

April 3, 2014


The list to the left has been living on my bulletin board for a few months and seeing it makes me smile every day.  It’s from a student in a grade 3 class at St Patrick’s Elementary who was excited to help harvest his classroom worm compost bin but who wasn’t completely enthusiastic about touching the worms and finished compost.  He put himself in charge of documenting all the organisms found in the worm bin and thoughtfully made me a copy of his list to take with me.

There are lots of reasons I get nerdily excited about worm composting (such as the beautiful finished product and how little time it takes for the worms to make it), but the most compelling one has to be what a great experience a classroom worm bin is for kids.  It is a little ecosystem tucked away in the class, it lets kids see and participate in the entire compost cycle, and it gets them into the habit of integrating positive environmental change into their daily routine.  Plus, it gives them an excuse to dig around in the dirt!

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Earth Repair: An Introduction to Bioremediation on March 29th

March 14, 2014

We are excited to announce a full day bioremediation course taught by Leila Darwish, the author of Earth Repair and a general grassroots bioremediation all-star! Join us on Saturday March 29th from 10:00am to 3:00 pm for this informational and inspiring event.

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Randolf The Red Wriggler Needs You!

March 8, 2014

Our friends at Reynolds Secondary are working on an amazing gardening project and could use your support!  They are entered in the BC Green Games, a province-wide competition for students in Kindergarten to Grade 12, designed to motivate action, enable sharing and reward and celebrate the green efforts of schools throughout BC.

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