Meet Tina!

February 8, 2025

We’re delighted to introduce another one of our board members, Tina Tulloch! As Head of Food Security and a chef at Saanich Neighbourhood Place, Tina is passionate about fostering connections that strengthen both community and the environment. A lifelong advocate for gardening, composting, and sustainable practices, she values the opportunity to join a network of like-minded individuals who share her dedication to environmental stewardship. For Tina, being part of the CEC board is not only a chance to support an organization she admires but also a way to connect more deeply with the community. She looks forward to collaborating with others who care about making a positive impact and inspiring collective action to help the CEC shine into its full potential.

What is your favourite thing about being on the board?

Listening to different perspectives of the people on the board. Loved hearing ideas from individuals and how each person brings valuable insight depending on what their background and specialties are. Some smart cookies!

What are you excited to see more off at the CEC?

I am excited to do my first workshop since I have never done one yet at the CEC! I know it is crazy, but I am usually the one putting on the workshops at SNP so I would love to be on the other end!

What’s something you love doing (besides being on the CEC board?)

I love painting and doing stained glass. I also love tending to my garden. I also really love kayaking and swimming in the ocean.

What book are you reading right now?

Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life by Barbara Kingsolver.  It is an oldie but a great book about how food and farming is not as valued in our economy-based world and the environmental impacts of our grocery-buying choices. I look differently at bananas now!

How can folks get involved with the CEC?

The website is great as well as the newsletters. Subscribe! I’m really intrigued by the “Train-the-Trainer” model we discussed at my first board meeting. With a “Train-the-Trainer” model, folks who attend workshops at the CEC are then able to educate other people on that subject. This is kinda happening already through the CEC’s warm and welcoming educational approach, and it would be great to see it happen more since I would really love to expand the growing of food in our region.

Posted in Blog, Board

Meet Cassidy!

January 2, 2025

We’re excited to welcome Cassidy Daskalchuk, one of the newest members of the Compost Education Centre’s board of directors! With a deep passion for soil health and a career rooted in sustainability and farming, Cassidy brings invaluable expertise and a hands-on perspective to the team. Her commitment to regenerative agriculture and fostering sustainable food systems aligns seamlessly with the CEC’s mission. We caught up with Cassidy to hear about her journey, her love for the land, and her hopes for inspiring more people to connect with the soil beneath their feet.

How would you introduce yourself at a dinner party?

Shyly and with a lot of sweet treats.

What made you interested in joining the board?

The CEC and all its members have built an integral community space that I wanted to contribute to and be a part of. I’m eager to learn & share with others in a space that is meaningful to so many!

What are you most excited to see more of at the CEC?

Sharing essential knowledge that spreads from person to person like mycelium!!

Any gardening tips for our CEC community?

Not a tip, but a fact that I love is that the smell of rain is the scent of a chemical released by soil-dwelling bacteria.

Go to camping meal?

A pot of beans ~ preferably cannellini with some really fresh bread. 

What are you currently reading?

From the Ground Up: The Women Revolutionizing Regenerative Agriculture!!

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Meet Bowen Macy!

December 4, 2024

Hey Wormies!

We’re thrilled to introduce Bowen Macy, one of the newest members of the Compost Education Centre’s board of directors! With a wealth of experience in sustainability, community engagement, and event organizing, Bowen brings a dynamic and creative perspective to the team. His passion for sustainability and building connections in local communities aligns perfectly with the CEC’s mission. We sat down with Bowen to learn more about his journey, his love for composting, and his vision for the future of the Centre.

How did you first hear about the CEC?

Walking by (and being nosey!) I moved to town about 3 years ago and live just down the road. I saw the CEC while en route to Little June, popped in, and proceeded to ask one million questions! 

What is your favourite thing about the CEC?

I love how they bring people together to both learn practical skills such as making kimchi or canning jam while also learning about environmental justice and building a connection to the land. 

What made you want to join the board?

I love what the CEC does and wanted to help out! I’m excited to support the CEC as they continue providing such important programming. I’m also looking forward to seeing the CEC continue to be a place where folks can gather in a green and welcoming environment. More coffees and tea in the garden!

Oh, and also the board meetings always have really good snacks so that is another reason 🙂

What are you currently reading and listening to?

A friend gave me Red Deal: Indigenous Actions to Save our Earth, which I just started and am on a speed run to finish. Indigenous folks have been such caring stewards of this land for so long it’s really just a no-brainer to be following their lead.

I’ve been listening to a bunch of my mom’s old CDs. She gave me a big binder of them from the early 2000s. There’s everything from Massive Attack to Rage Against the Machine to PJ Harvey to Angélique Kidjo to Grace Jones. I’m planning to start mixing them into my CFUV radio show (insert shameless plug about Third Place Radio on 101.9FM Thursdays at 3pm here!). 

Who’s someone that made a big impact on your life?

Well, that would be my mom. Besides helping shape my taste in music she showed me what it looks like to live with integrity and authenticity. From before I could walk, she would bring me along with her to pick tomatoes from the garden, hike through the forest, or march in a climate protest. Still to this day it completely baffles me how she was able to do so much, but I’m so grateful for her. Love you, Mom!

How can people get involved with the CEC?

So many ways! I think the workshops are a great place to start, and there are quite a few that are free as well. If you’ve got a project around gardening to sustainable living, their hotline (250-386-WORM) is a great resource as well. And then if you really want to get your hands dirty (literally!), there is an amazing group of volunteers that you could join!

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Join our Board!

August 9, 2024

We are looking for individuals with a variety of perspectives, skills, and experience to join our Board of Directors.

Share your passion for composting, ecological conservation, and food justice! 

The Compost Education Centre’s vision is to cultivate resilient communities, which enable the land and all living beings to thrive. Our mission is to reconnect people, young and old, to land-based resilience-building practices related to composting, ecological gardening, and conservation. Our organizational practices sustain the organization, the natural environment, and our communities. We actively work towards right relations, anti-oppression, and environmental justice in solidarity with the Indigenous peoples on whose land we work. Our core values are reciprocity, adaptability, curiosity, joy, and groundedness. 

Benefits of Participating 

  • Fantastic opportunity to build experience in organizational growth, not-for-profit, and charity work
  • Connect and collaborate with a dedicated team that is passionate about waste reduction, soil conservation, local food production, and the intersections between food, land, and environmental justice
  • Training and leadership development opportunities on topics including soil conservation and composting, team building, social enterprise development, event coordination, sustainable living skills, and DEI
  • Contribute to the wellbeing of your community, local ecosystems, and the broader environment

Helpful Skills and Experience 

  • A love for composting, food and environmental justice, urban agriculture, waste diversion, and soil health! 
  • Familiarity with non-profits including prior experience on or working with a Board of Directors 
  • Leadership experience 
  • Fundraising experience and familiarity with revenue generation in non-profit structures 

Board of Directors FAQs 

What is a Board of Directors? The Board is responsible for setting mission and strategic direction, providing high-level oversight, and serving as ambassadors of the organization. The CEC’s Board is a dynamic team focused on supporting the organization’s mission. 

What would I do as a Board member? You attend board meetings every month and may join a committee to work on additional projects (e.g. Fundraising, DEI initiatives, etc.). You commit to a two-year term consisting of an average of 5-10 hours of work per month. 

Can anyone become a Board Member? Yes! To join the Board, you have to become a member before October 6, communicate your interest by filling out the form below, and attend our AGM on Thursday, November 7, 2024 to get nominated. If the cost of membership is a barrier to you becoming a Board Member and/or there are other barriers you have identified, please reach out to Claire at [email protected] to discuss accommodations. 

What are the perks of joining the Board? Volunteering with a charitable non-profit organization provides practical work skills. It’s also a way to meet very cool and like-minded folks from other professions and disciplines. You also get awesome snacks at every board meeting, and we do staff and board dinners once or twice a year. 

Are Board Members paid? Unfortunately, no. The BC Societies Act prohibits us from paying Board Members. These positions are volunteer. 


Fill out the form below to apply. 


New board members will be voted in by the membership in our Annual General Meeting on November 7. Please provide a brief bio that we can share with our membership for voting purposes, including any relevant skills, experience, or interests that you possess.
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Strategic Planning Updates

December 1, 2023

I joined the Compost Ed Centre as Executive Director in February 2023, and I’m constantly learning about who we are and what we do. Let me begin by saying that I am so grateful to work with Elora, Jeffrey, Kayla, and Zoe-Blue. Earlier this year in anticipation of our strategic planning, we sent out a survey to gather data from our community as to what they view as the Compost Ed Centre’s strengths and what they might want us to do differently in the next three to five years. Consistently, the responses highlighted knowledgeable, engaging, and passionate staff as our core strength. And for the future? For us to keep doing what we have been doing – and possibly some expansion!? The responses highlighted for me how well-established and well-loved the Compost Ed Centre is after 30 years of operation.



We want to share our many thanks to everyone who filled out a survey! We compiled the responses into a short PowerPoint to provide some context to our strategic planning.


What has resonated for me most in this role and what we have learned from you all is how the Compost Ed Centre creates impact through education and research. On one level, we transfer technical skills that empower workshop participants, site volunteers, university students, and schoolkids to take on climate mitigation and adaptation action. But on another – and more profound – level, we integrate folks into our community of plants and people. The Compost Ed Centre cultivates an increased sense of connectivity and reciprocity, and we do it by sharing knowledge in a welcoming way.

I can speak personally to how welcomed I have felt to this role and to the Compost Ed Centre’s community. I want to highlight how fortunate I’ve been to work with Alexis so much over the past few months as she has transitioned out of the Executive Director role. The pandemic and post-pandemic inflation has hit nonprofits hard, but Alexis’s steady and wise tenure as Executive Director made it possible for me to step into this role with a confident rather than crisis mindset. Amidst so much change in the world, I feel reassured that the Compost Ed Centre will continue to thrive in the same way for the next 30 years by catching and mixing folks right on into our community – just like the browns and greens in a hot compost pile.

Haven’t yet hopped into the hot compost pile?

Become a member of our community today!

We want to express our gratitude to the Government of Canada’s Community Service Recovery Fund, which has made our strategic planning work possible. The Community Services Recovery Fund is a one-time $400 million investment from the Government of Canada to support community service organizations, including charities, non-profits and Indigenous governing bodies, as they adapt and modernize their organizations. We have been able to engage in the staff retreat and other strategic planning activities with the support of the CSRF.

By Claire Remington, Executive Director


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CEC Annual General Meeting

September 13, 2023

At our Annual General Meeting (AGM), staff and board members of the CEC will review the important work that the organization accomplished in 2022. We will recap educational program achievements, new projects and programs, and discuss some of the ways that the CEC adapted its offerings to serve the public throughout the pandemic.

Want to join our Board of Directors? Find out how here!

CEC members in good standing will have the opportunity to vote on decisions that affect the future of the organization, including helping to elect new members to our Board of Directors. Members in good standing who attend the AGM will also be entered to win a door prize which can be picked up at the Compost Education Centre in following days.

Anyone can attend the CEC’s AGM. For members and non-members, attending our AGM is a great way to support the CEC and learn more about the work that we do here!


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Call for Board Members

July 20, 2022

The Compost Education Centre is seeking skilled leaders and innovators to serve on its Board of Directors.


The organization is looking to fill three positions at our AGM.  Ideal candidates will bring some experience to the table and share our passion for composting, waste diversion, ecological conservation and food justice.

Our mission is to create resilient communities, which support the land and all living beings to thrive, and we want you to join us in this objective!

The Compost Education Centre (CEC) is a project of the Victoria Compost and Conservation Education Society, a not-for-profit, charitable organization.  Since 1992, the CEC has provided in-school and community-centred educational programs for people of all ages throughout Greater Victoria and our Capital Regional District (CRD).  The CEC is mandated to provide practical, hands-on education around composting, waste diversion, soil conservation and environmental stewardship while also promoting organic and ecological gardening practices as a means of reducing the health and environmental effects of chemical gardening practices, which can be harmful to natural systems, as well as promoting the environmental and social benefits of local food production.

Benefits of Participating

  • Fantastic opportunity to build experience in organizational growth, not-for-profit and charity work;
  • Connect & collaborate with a dedicated team that is passionate about waste reduction, soil conservation and local food production, as well as the intersections between food, land, and environmental justice;
  • Training and leadership development opportunities (soil conservation and composting, team building, social enterprise development, event coordination, sustainable living skills);
  • Contribute to your community and to the wellbeing of local ecosystems and the broader environment.

Helpful skills and experience:

  • Familiarity with not-for-profits;
  • Leadership experience;
  • Prior experience on or working with a Board of Directors;
  • Financial or accounting experience;
  • Team and/or project management experience
  • A business background or experience in ethical/green entrepreneurship or circular economies;
  • HR experience;
  • Familiarity with social enterprises or revenue generation in non-profit structures;
  • A love for composting, food & environmental justice, urban agriculture, waste diversion and of course, soil health!


  • Attend Board meetings throughout the year, usually held monthly from 6-7:30pm at the Centre 1216 North Park Street in Fernwood, or online via Zoom;
  • Work as part of a dynamic team to maintain the successful long term operation of the CEC;
  • Contribute 4-8 hours per month working in your area of focus;
  • Commit to a 2 year term.

How to Apply: Please submit a PDF to Board Chair, Lisette Chevalier ([email protected]) containing a concise Letter of Interest, outlining skills, experience or interests you possess that could benefit the Compost Education Centre’s Board of Directors by Saturday, November 12th.

If you are interested in learning more about the CEC’s Board of Directors or about the organization before applying, please email Lisette Chevalier at at the previously listed contact.

To learn more about the Compost Education Centre and its programs visit our website


Board of Directors FAQ

What is the Board of Directors? The Board ensures that the Compost Education Centre is fulfilling its purpose and vision and oversees the society’s finances & human resources.

What do Board members do? They attend meetings every other month and join 1-3 committees: Policy, Finance & fundraising, Board Development – each with their own goals.

Can anyone become a Board Member? Yes! Anyone can buy a membership ($30) and express interest in being nominated to the Board of Directors at our AGM on Thursday, November 17, 2022. If cost is prohibitive to membership, please reach out, bursaries are available to cover membership cost.

What are the perks of joining the Board? Volunteering with a charitable non-profit org provides practical work skills. It’s also a way to meet like-minded folks from other professions and disciplines.

Are Board Members paid positions?  Unfortunately, no. The BC Societies Act prohibits us from paying Board Members. These positions are volunteer.

What is the orientation like? CEC board members are oriented to the society’s board work through a facilitated session led by Volunteer Victoria. Board Members have access to society docs that outline their roles and may also take free workshops. We also recommend reading the BC Societies Act.

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The CEC’s 2016 Annual General Meeting

April 21, 2017

Please join us for our Annual General Meeting hosted in the CEC’S Straw Bale, located in the heart of Fernwood at 1216 North Park Street. The AGM will take place from 1:00-3:00pm on Saturday, April 29th.  Together we will review the past year, look to our plans for the new year, share food, and learn.

AGM Attendance Highlights:

  • Free Zero Waste Workshop,
  • a Secret Sur-Prize,
  • and treats from Caffe Fantastico’s Local, Artisan Deli and Charcuterie

Everyone is welcome to attend the AGM and attendees will be entered into a draw to win an awesome secret sur-prize*.  Members in good standing with the Compost Education Centre have voting rights at the meeting.  We look forward to your presence because your input is vital!



*Must attend the AGM in its entirety to be eligible for the free workshop and prize draw.


Annual Report and Financials

CEC Annual Report AGM 2016 Final




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You’re invited to the Compost Education Centre AGM on Sat April 23rd!

April 16, 2016

oca and jollies

It’s that time of year again where we gather to review the past year, our plans for the new year, enjoy delicious food, and learn something new!   Join us for our AGM in our urban oasis in the heart of Fernwood at 1216 North Park Street.   The AGM will take place from 1:00-3:00 on Saturday April 23rd.

Our knowledgeable Site Manager Alysha will be leading an interactive site tour through our beautiful demonstration gardens where you can learn firsthand about the many sustainable systems and permaculture techniques we have in place, including our new aquaponics system, rainwater harvesting systems and the many options we have for on-site food waste reduction and diversion.

Everyone is welcome to attend the AGM.  Members who have been in good standing with the Compost Education Centre have voting rights at the meeting.  Your input is vital – so we hope to see you there!

To view the report in PDF format, click here.

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