Organic Pest Management by Alysha Punnett
July 6, 2017

Alysha Punnett wrote an excellent article published in the Village Vibe about organic pest management. Check it out here!
Posted in Announcement, Blog, News, Organic GardeningJuly 6, 2017
Alysha Punnett wrote an excellent article published in the Village Vibe about organic pest management. Check it out here!
Posted in Announcement, Blog, News, Organic GardeningJune 23, 2014
June is the month where things settle into their boots (or roots, if you will) and start to show off everything they’ve got. I recently took a walk around the garden on the Summer Solstice to capture some of the sweet moments that are currently happening. Think nasturtiums, calendula, borage, phacelia, arugula flowers, Johnny Jump Ups and a king-size mullein! (Click on the photos for larger, more glorious images)
Many of the flowers pictured here are deliberately planted as companions for the vegetables nearby. Calendual and nasturtiums act as pest traps, attracting aphids away from squash and brassicas. Borage and phacelia attract pollinators (like the bumble bee doing the splits above!) to squash, tomato, and cucumber flowers. And Johnny Jump Ups and roses bring joy to pretty much anyone who stops to spy or sniff them. Welcome to summer everyone!
Posted in Blog, Featured, Organic Gardening, Pollinators, ReflectionsLeave a Comment on Solstice Beauty