CEC, COVID-19 Preparedness and Flattening the Curve

March 14, 2020

The Compost Education Centre is currently doing its part to respond to COVID 19 concerns and working to “flatten the curve” of the outbreak.

Although policies and events are evolving rapidly we are currently:

  • Maintaining a healthy work environment with posted information about how to stop the spread of illness.
  • Encouraging employees, visitors and workshop attendees to stay home when ill, having traveled to one of the countries on Canada’s advisory list or having had recent contact with a sick person.
  • Promoting proper hygiene (hand washing, coughing and sneezing etiquette) and social distancing among employees, visitors and workshop attendees.
  • Ensuring easy availability of soap and water, or alcohol-based hand sanitizer products.
  • Expanding and establishing policies and tools that enable employees to work from home.

You can connect to trusted information via the Office of the Provincial Health Officer or the BC Centre for Disease Control.

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