Composting is Key to Sustainable Urban Agriculture

February 16, 2024

My partner recently sent me this article, Urban agriculture’s carbon footprint can be worse than that of large farms, and I felt a sense of outrage and surprise. I love urban agriculture!

I was relieved to dig a little deeper into the publication to find that the study did find that urban agriculture has a smaller carbon footprint than conventional agriculture when the following practices are followed:


Rainwater harvesting

Using construction debris and demolition waste for infrastructure

– Longer-term use of infrastructure and tenancy of a space

The Compost Education Centre helps to steward several urban gardens including at our demonstration site, a boulevard garden network in the Fairfield-Gonzales neighborhood, the Alexander Park Orchard, and SJ Burnside Secondary School’s teaching garden. Our demonstration site features eight different composting systems, rainwater cisterns and barrels, and a solar-powered aquaponics system. Come by anytime for a visit!

We have found that urban gardens serve as powerful outdoor classrooms that inspire local climate mitigation and adaptation activities. For example, our urban gardens empower community members to:

– Produce food locally with the objective of improving food security and mitigate emissions associated with our food system.

– Cultivate native plant and pollinator gardens to support pollinators, which are under threat from climate change.

– Implement rainwater harvesting to reduce climate change vulnerability.

In addition to acquiring technical skills, our community members experience increased connectivity to a peaceful and welcoming space in Victoria. We consider our urban gardens to be a nature-based driver for social cohesion and improved climate change adaptation – and we’re excited that the research backs us up, too.

Claire Remington, Executive Director

Posted in Blog, Composting, Organic GardeningTagged , , , , , , , ,

Good Food Champions 2022

November 3, 2022

We are grateful to be this years recipients of the Good Food Champion Award in the Food Literacy Category. This recognition of our work is motivation for us to continue our mission and work closely with our communities as we build resiliency in the face of food insecurity, top soil depletion, and the other issues seen by climate change. We do not do this work in isolation! Congratulations to the other award winners: Iye Creative, Welcome Gardens, Community Fridge, Wild Mountain Restaurant, and Sandown Centre for Regenerative Agriculture. May we all continue to cultivate resilient communities for years to come.

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