Survey for Garden St. Food Forest

February 12, 2025

A group of interested neighbours on Garden Street, with the support of the Compost Education Centre are making efforts to have 2518 Garden Street listed officially as a community garden and obtain an official license of occupation with the city of Victoria. We are conducting a survey to ensure that the community is consulted. 

The vision for the Garden Street Food Forest, which currently is an existing unique garden space that is managed by neighbours, is to improve upon this already well established urban oasis green space, with a magic “secret garden” ambiance as a powerful and alluring quality of the unique space for immediate neighbours and the broader community (of human and non-human beings, think birds and bees) to come together for relaxation, sanctuary, education, food security, and to build social connection and community.

If you have any questions about this project, please reach out to Kayla at the Compost Education Centre at 250-386-9676. Thank you for your input, it’s appreciated. 

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Join our Board!

August 9, 2024

We are looking for individuals with a variety of perspectives, skills, and experience to join our Board of Directors.

Share your passion for composting, ecological conservation, and food justice! 

The Compost Education Centre’s vision is to cultivate resilient communities, which enable the land and all living beings to thrive. Our mission is to reconnect people, young and old, to land-based resilience-building practices related to composting, ecological gardening, and conservation. Our organizational practices sustain the organization, the natural environment, and our communities. We actively work towards right relations, anti-oppression, and environmental justice in solidarity with the Indigenous peoples on whose land we work. Our core values are reciprocity, adaptability, curiosity, joy, and groundedness. 

Benefits of Participating 

  • Fantastic opportunity to build experience in organizational growth, not-for-profit, and charity work
  • Connect and collaborate with a dedicated team that is passionate about waste reduction, soil conservation, local food production, and the intersections between food, land, and environmental justice
  • Training and leadership development opportunities on topics including soil conservation and composting, team building, social enterprise development, event coordination, sustainable living skills, and DEI
  • Contribute to the wellbeing of your community, local ecosystems, and the broader environment

Helpful Skills and Experience 

  • A love for composting, food and environmental justice, urban agriculture, waste diversion, and soil health! 
  • Familiarity with non-profits including prior experience on or working with a Board of Directors 
  • Leadership experience 
  • Fundraising experience and familiarity with revenue generation in non-profit structures 

Board of Directors FAQs 

What is a Board of Directors? The Board is responsible for setting mission and strategic direction, providing high-level oversight, and serving as ambassadors of the organization. The CEC’s Board is a dynamic team focused on supporting the organization’s mission. 

What would I do as a Board member? You attend board meetings every month and may join a committee to work on additional projects (e.g. Fundraising, DEI initiatives, etc.). You commit to a two-year term consisting of an average of 5-10 hours of work per month. 

Can anyone become a Board Member? Yes! To join the Board, you have to become a member before October 6, communicate your interest by filling out the form below, and attend our AGM on Thursday, November 7, 2024 to get nominated. If the cost of membership is a barrier to you becoming a Board Member and/or there are other barriers you have identified, please reach out to Claire at [email protected] to discuss accommodations. 

What are the perks of joining the Board? Volunteering with a charitable non-profit organization provides practical work skills. It’s also a way to meet very cool and like-minded folks from other professions and disciplines. You also get awesome snacks at every board meeting, and we do staff and board dinners once or twice a year. 

Are Board Members paid? Unfortunately, no. The BC Societies Act prohibits us from paying Board Members. These positions are volunteer. 


Fill out the form below to apply. 


New board members will be voted in by the membership in our Annual General Meeting on November 7. Please provide a brief bio that we can share with our membership for voting purposes, including any relevant skills, experience, or interests that you possess.
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We’re hiring a Site Assistant!

April 10, 2024

The Site Assistant reports to the Site Manager. The Site Assistant is responsible for the garden stewardship at the CEC’s demonstration gardens and various other urban gardens in the Victoria area in partnership with the CEC’s Site Manager as well as the coordination of the volunteer program across the organization.

Applications due May 26th

Interested in Applying? Click here

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Help us build more boulevard gardens!

October 5, 2023

Hey residents of Fairfield-Gonzales!
The Compost Education Centre is on a continued mission to see as many boulevard gardens growing in your neighbourhood as possible! We’re hoping to help some folks on this journey in November – by sheet mulching a boulevard together!
If you have an adjacent boulevard to where you live and are able to obtain permission to start a garden on that boulevard from the homeowner, or you have a neighbour who’s into it, please reach out! We’d love to host an onsite workshop to sheet mulch your boulevard (creating an in-situ compost pile) so that it’s ready to plant into come spring! Reach out to Kayla at [email protected] for more info and to tell us a little bit about your situation!
By Kayla Siefried, Site Manager and Community Education Coordinator
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Call for Board Members

July 20, 2022

The Compost Education Centre is seeking skilled leaders and innovators to serve on its Board of Directors.


The organization is looking to fill three positions at our AGM.  Ideal candidates will bring some experience to the table and share our passion for composting, waste diversion, ecological conservation and food justice.

Our mission is to create resilient communities, which support the land and all living beings to thrive, and we want you to join us in this objective!

The Compost Education Centre (CEC) is a project of the Victoria Compost and Conservation Education Society, a not-for-profit, charitable organization.  Since 1992, the CEC has provided in-school and community-centred educational programs for people of all ages throughout Greater Victoria and our Capital Regional District (CRD).  The CEC is mandated to provide practical, hands-on education around composting, waste diversion, soil conservation and environmental stewardship while also promoting organic and ecological gardening practices as a means of reducing the health and environmental effects of chemical gardening practices, which can be harmful to natural systems, as well as promoting the environmental and social benefits of local food production.

Benefits of Participating

  • Fantastic opportunity to build experience in organizational growth, not-for-profit and charity work;
  • Connect & collaborate with a dedicated team that is passionate about waste reduction, soil conservation and local food production, as well as the intersections between food, land, and environmental justice;
  • Training and leadership development opportunities (soil conservation and composting, team building, social enterprise development, event coordination, sustainable living skills);
  • Contribute to your community and to the wellbeing of local ecosystems and the broader environment.

Helpful skills and experience:

  • Familiarity with not-for-profits;
  • Leadership experience;
  • Prior experience on or working with a Board of Directors;
  • Financial or accounting experience;
  • Team and/or project management experience
  • A business background or experience in ethical/green entrepreneurship or circular economies;
  • HR experience;
  • Familiarity with social enterprises or revenue generation in non-profit structures;
  • A love for composting, food & environmental justice, urban agriculture, waste diversion and of course, soil health!


  • Attend Board meetings throughout the year, usually held monthly from 6-7:30pm at the Centre 1216 North Park Street in Fernwood, or online via Zoom;
  • Work as part of a dynamic team to maintain the successful long term operation of the CEC;
  • Contribute 4-8 hours per month working in your area of focus;
  • Commit to a 2 year term.

How to Apply: Please submit a PDF to Board Chair, Lisette Chevalier ([email protected]) containing a concise Letter of Interest, outlining skills, experience or interests you possess that could benefit the Compost Education Centre’s Board of Directors by Saturday, November 12th.

If you are interested in learning more about the CEC’s Board of Directors or about the organization before applying, please email Lisette Chevalier at at the previously listed contact.

To learn more about the Compost Education Centre and its programs visit our website


Board of Directors FAQ

What is the Board of Directors? The Board ensures that the Compost Education Centre is fulfilling its purpose and vision and oversees the society’s finances & human resources.

What do Board members do? They attend meetings every other month and join 1-3 committees: Policy, Finance & fundraising, Board Development – each with their own goals.

Can anyone become a Board Member? Yes! Anyone can buy a membership ($30) and express interest in being nominated to the Board of Directors at our AGM on Thursday, November 17, 2022. If cost is prohibitive to membership, please reach out, bursaries are available to cover membership cost.

What are the perks of joining the Board? Volunteering with a charitable non-profit org provides practical work skills. It’s also a way to meet like-minded folks from other professions and disciplines.

Are Board Members paid positions?  Unfortunately, no. The BC Societies Act prohibits us from paying Board Members. These positions are volunteer.

What is the orientation like? CEC board members are oriented to the society’s board work through a facilitated session led by Volunteer Victoria. Board Members have access to society docs that outline their roles and may also take free workshops. We also recommend reading the BC Societies Act.

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We’re Hiring: Marketing and Communications Assistant (Funding Dependent)

March 31, 2022

Please note: This position is dependent upon Canada Summer Jobs Funding.

The Compost Education Centre (CEC) is a charitable, not for profit organization that provides composting, organic gardening and conservation education to residents of the Capital Regional District (CRD).

Work Week:  The workweek is currently Wednesday-Saturday, 9:00am – 4:30pm, (30-hour per week with a paid 30-minute lunch break; 60 hr pay period).

Job Start Date: April 27, 2022, runs for 16 weeks.

Job End Date: August 14, 2022

A total of: 480 hours

Wage: $19.39 p/hr

For More Details, Click the Link Provided Below. 

Marketing and Communications Assistant Co-op Job Description 2022

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Community Announcement: Food & Farm Heritage Programs Coordinator

October 28, 2021

Pender Islands Community Hall is looking for a Food & Farm Heritage Programs Coordinator! This is a great opportunity for a person interested in food, farming, gardening, heritage, research and activity programming.

Full time until March 31, flexible hours, some virtual hours.


Click this link to find learn more and how to apply: 2021 – 2022 Food & Farm Heritage Programs Coordinator

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Job Posting: Executive Director

January 13, 2021

We are Hiring and Executive Director! Please click here to view the whole posting and application instructions.


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We are looking for your input!

September 29, 2017

What workshops would you like to see at the Compost Education Centre next year?


Fill out this link to have your input included in our Programming Session!

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