Healing City Soils 2019 Update
August 29, 2019
The Royal Roads University Student Team, GVA Soil Solutions, has wrapped up their work with Healing City Soils for 2019. This year the team continued their focus on testing and mapping soil quality in the West Shore Communities, but also received many applications from all over the CRD. Their final report, with many illuminating results, can be read in our office located at 1216 North Park.
Applicants can expect to receive their test results this fall as well as notifications on how to access to the free workshop “Understanding and Addressing Soil Contamination for Gardeners”. This workshop, led by soil remediation and mapping expert Steeve Deschenes, assists applicants in making sense of their test results and then making a plan for their gardens should they have higher-than-normal levels of heavy metals in their soils.
Posted in Announcement, Blog, Healing City Soils, News, Partnerships, ProgramsTagged announcement, free soil testing, healing city soils, news, partnership, soil contamination, soil testing