Mushroom Pathways Installation
January 13, 2015
We continued our passion for fungi from Mushroom Education Day with a great workshop on how to create permanent mushroom pathways in the garden. And we installed them right here in the Teaching Garden, so you can come on by and take a look at your leisure!
Solara Goldwynn of Hatchet & Seed described what materials were needed and how the process worked, then we all headed out to the organic veggie beds to get our hands dirty. The amazing workshop participants moved all the gravel from between the beds to other areas of the site that needed a gravel touch-up.
Cardboard was laid down as a weed barrier and for food for the mycelium.
Then it was moistened in order to soften its surface and make it easier for the mycelium to access it as a food source.
Fresh alder wood chips were wheelbarrow-ed over and laid down roughly 2 inches thick over the cardboard. Finally, two bags of King Stropheria mushroom spawn, supplied by DIY Fungi, were buried under the wood chips in two separate patches. We’re looking forward to seeing what pops up in the new year!
Posted in Adult Education, Blog, Featured, News, Partnerships