CEC Annual General Meeting

September 13, 2023

At our Annual General Meeting (AGM), staff and board members of the CEC will review the important work that the organization accomplished in 2022. We will recap educational program achievements, new projects and programs, and discuss some of the ways that the CEC adapted its offerings to serve the public throughout the pandemic.

Want to join our Board of Directors? Find out how here!

CEC members in good standing will have the opportunity to vote on decisions that affect the future of the organization, including helping to elect new members to our Board of Directors. Members in good standing who attend the AGM will also be entered to win a door prize which can be picked up at the Compost Education Centre in following days.

Anyone can attend the CEC’s AGM. For members and non-members, attending our AGM is a great way to support the CEC and learn more about the work that we do here!


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Member Notice: AGM, Wednesday, September 16th at 6pm

August 27, 2020

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June 22nd, 11-3: Summer Solstice Garden Party

May 30, 2019

Join the Compost Education Centre on June 22nd from 11-3pm for our Summer Solstice Garden Party, a satellite event of Fernfest, located in the Teaching Gardens of the Compost Education Centre in the heart of Fernwood!

Chock full of awesomeness, the Summer Solstice Garden Party, which is part AGM, part community celebration and part silent auction, is sure to deliver the goods during a packed weekend. Heck, with all the fun things going on around the city, we might as well call it a city-wide Summer Solstice Festival!

At the Compost Education Centre, located at 1216 North Park, we will hold our Annual General Meeting from 11-12. Here, members in good standing can vote on issues important to our organization and learn about the CEC’s extraordinary accomplishments in 2018. AGM attendees are automatically entered to win a door prize, and also receive a free meal ticket for our afternoon bbq in the garden! (Yep, we’re bribing you to show up for an important meeting.)

Following the AGM, at 12 and 2pm, our Site Manager, Kayla, will lead interactive site tours. Not gonna be here at 11 for our AGM, or not familiar with our site? Never fear, volunteers at Fernfest’s Field of Dreams will be waiting to guide folks to our Teaching Gardens, and signage around the neighborhood will point you in the right direction. During these 30 minute Site Tours guests will learn through sight, smell, touch and taste about our Teaching Gardens and multifaceted educational programming.

From 12:30-2:30 we’ll be serving up bbq eats and ice cold drinks by donation; simultaneously we will be hosting our annual silent auction in our Strawbale Classroom. Auction items are comprised of donations from an array of local businesses, from swanky restaurants, to useful gardening supplies, and those much needed self-care gift cards!

So come, celebrate the fruits of our garden (and our labor), relax and visit in the garden with good music, good food and good company while supporting the Compost Education Centre’s commitment to accessible education, environmental sustainability, and, undoubtedly, composting. Whether you’re a longtime friend of the Compost Education Centre or a first time visitor we would love to have you!

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The CEC’s 2016 Annual General Meeting

April 21, 2017

Please join us for our Annual General Meeting hosted in the CEC’S Straw Bale, located in the heart of Fernwood at 1216 North Park Street. The AGM will take place from 1:00-3:00pm on Saturday, April 29th.  Together we will review the past year, look to our plans for the new year, share food, and learn.

AGM Attendance Highlights:

  • Free Zero Waste Workshop,
  • a Secret Sur-Prize,
  • and treats from Caffe Fantastico’s Local, Artisan Deli and Charcuterie

Everyone is welcome to attend the AGM and attendees will be entered into a draw to win an awesome secret sur-prize*.  Members in good standing with the Compost Education Centre have voting rights at the meeting.  We look forward to your presence because your input is vital!



*Must attend the AGM in its entirety to be eligible for the free workshop and prize draw.


Annual Report and Financials

CEC Annual Report AGM 2016 Final




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You’re invited to the Compost Education Centre AGM on Sat April 23rd!

April 16, 2016

oca and jollies

It’s that time of year again where we gather to review the past year, our plans for the new year, enjoy delicious food, and learn something new!   Join us for our AGM in our urban oasis in the heart of Fernwood at 1216 North Park Street.   The AGM will take place from 1:00-3:00 on Saturday April 23rd.

Our knowledgeable Site Manager Alysha will be leading an interactive site tour through our beautiful demonstration gardens where you can learn firsthand about the many sustainable systems and permaculture techniques we have in place, including our new aquaponics system, rainwater harvesting systems and the many options we have for on-site food waste reduction and diversion.

Everyone is welcome to attend the AGM.  Members who have been in good standing with the Compost Education Centre have voting rights at the meeting.  Your input is vital – so we hope to see you there!

To view the report in PDF format, click here.

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You’re invited to our AGM!

March 19, 2015

It’s that time of year again where we gather to review the past year, our plans for the new year, enjoy delicious food, and learn something new.  

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You’re invited to our Annual General Meeting!

April 5, 2014

Spring SLR-15

It’s that time of year again where we gather to review the past year, our plans for the new year, enjoy delicious food, and learn something new. This year’s AGM speaker will be Cat Orr. Cat will be speaking about some exciting new initiatives with rainwater catchment in schools. We will also be voting on the 2013 budget and will be voting on some membership pricing and benefits. Your input is vital – so we hope to see you there!

Everyone is welcome to attend the AGM.  Members who have been in good standing with the Compost Education Centre have voting rights at the meeting.

When:  Sunday April 13th, 1:00-3:00pm

Where:  The straw bale building at the Compost Education Centre, 1216 North Park St

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