Fall Plant Sale: August 10, 10am-2pm

Welcome Celia!

June 15, 2023

Summer is here and we are so happy to welcome our newest staff member! Celia has been a longtime volunteer in the garden and the Healing City Soils program. We are fortunate to have her on our team this summer. Below are some get to know me questions.

What’s your favorite dish? Tabbouleh! So fresh and delicious.

What’s your favorite summer activity? Riding my bike to the lake. 

What do you like about the Compost Education Centre? I like feeling connected to food, the land, and growing out food responsibly with reciprocity for the beings around us. I love sharing that education with everyone in our community who wants to learn. It’s been great working with the CEC and feeling connected to food and flowers! 

What’s your favorite berry? I love strawberries, but when it comes to flavor, raspberries have my heart.  

What do you do in your free time? I like to garden, sew, and read. Currently, I’m rereading the Lord of the Rings. 


Posted in Announcement, Blog, Featured, News