Speak up for City Support of Our Local Food Systems
March 18, 2015

We’d like to share an email we received from our colleague Mike Large who is doing some important and inspiring work around enhancing local food systems.
“Over the last few weeks, a group of local food lovers, leaders and advocates have been meeting at City Hall to discuss ways to encourage the City to move toward enhancing local food systems. This email to you represents a collective effort to mobilize community support. Please take a few minutes to consider adding your voice to the chorus:
** (1) Attend the Town Hall Meeting on the City’s Budget and Strategic Plan, Monday March 23 at 7:00 pm, at Victoria City Hall. Bring farming / food related clothes and props!
** (2) Email City Councillors before March 31st, urging City support for local food systems – [email protected]. Feel free to craft your own message, or borrow some or all of the language in this sample letter.
** (3) Complete the City’s online survey by March 31st, indicating your support for these policies and other progressive actions – www.victoria.ca/budget. Look for the “Take Survey” button, about half-way down the page.
** (4) Forward this information to other people in Victoria who may be willing to take part in these four actions.
The sample letter refers to the draft Strategic Plan and Financial Plan, posted online at: www.victoria.ca/budget. Objective 8 of the draft Strategic Plan is the one we’d like to champion. If you see specific initiatives you’d like to highlight in a message to your social network, or in a letter/email to City Council, feel free to do so. You should also feel free to put forward original ideas of your own.”
Posted in Announcement, Blog, Civic Engagement, News