November 7th is Mushroom Education Day!

September 25, 2015


There’s no need to be in the dark about growing mushrooms! These tasty wonders of the food world are filled with vitamins, antioxidants, and other essential nutrients, plus they’re fun and easy to grow. The keys to growing mushrooms at home are establishing the right growing conditions and acquiring or making mushroom spawn, which is the material used to propagate mushrooms.

Danielle Stevenson of DIY Fungi will be on hand to teach you about many amazing benefits of mushrooms and how easy it is to grow them in your home or backyard at our Mushroom Education Day on Saturday November 7th from 10am-3pm.

In addition to our two scheduled workshops, there will be edible, medicinal, and garden mushroom spawn for sale all day as well as updates on local mycoremediation projects!

Mushroom Companions to the Garden and Farm, 10:00am-12:00pm, $20 (please pre-register): Learn how you can incorporate mushrooms into your site to boost food and medicine production in spaces you otherwise couldn’t grow in and build healthy soil ecosystems to support plant well-being. We’ll highlight three super garden companion mushrooms- King Stropharia, Elm Oyster and Shaggy Mane- and walk through how to grow mushrooms in beds, pathways, logs and the compost pile, and how to companion plant within your veggie beds, and add mycorhizal fungi to support your fruit trees.

Digest Your Household Waste With Mushrooms, 1:00-3:00pm, $20 (please pre-register): Oyster and King Stropharia mushrooms are great at breaking down household and urban waste.This workshop will offer an overview of some of the cool stuff you can do with fungi where you live- from growing protein-rich food on recycled materials, to filtering your greywater, to breaking down your cigarettes, animal waste, oil and grease and so much more. We will build a sample waste digester during the workshop and spawn as well as complete digester kits will be available for purchase afterwards.


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