Volunteer With Us

  1. Knowledge Exchange –  Learn from and share knowledge with CEC staff, volunteers, and other members of our community.
  2. Community Connections – Connect with the like-minded people and organizations that make up the CEC network/community.
  3. Foster Sustainability –  Foster a culture of sustainability in your community through your support of CEC composting, waste diversion, and ecological gardening education programs, initiatives, and resources.
  4. Reciprocity – Participate in a reciprocity, where you feel valued and appreciated for generously sharing your time, knowledge, and gifts. 
  5. Joy –  Experience a sense of joy as we bring laughter, play, and wonder into the work that we do together.

The gardens have been put to bed and we are slowing down for the winter. At this time, we are currently not scheduling any volunteers. Please check back again in February 2025 as we get ready for spring.