Fall Plant Sale: August 10, 10am-2pm

Volunteer with the CEC

The Compost Education Centre benefits immensely from the help of dedicated volunteers in our gardens, in our child & youth education programs, at special events, and on our Board of Directors. Fill out the Volunteer Interest form below to be notified of upcoming volunteer opportunities!

Apply to volunteer with us!

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can be a CEC volunteer?

Anyone can volunteer at the CEC in the gardens, with child and youth education programs, or at special events. To be on the Board of Directors, a special skill set will likely be required and you will have to express interest and run in the election at the Annual General Meeting. Click here to learn more about our Board of Directors and how to get involved. 


What sort of work can I expect to do? 

The work that you do will depend of the role you are in.

Garden volunteering: you will be making compost piles, weeding, potting up plants, harvesting, etc. You may be working with the Site Manager, with another volunteer, or independently.

Child & Youth Education Program: You will help with puppet shows, assist in teaching workshops, and harvest worm bins alongside our Child and Youth Education Coordinator.

Board of Directors: You will attend 1-2 meetings a month, and complete additional work from home, depending on your role.


Where will I be volunteering?

You will either be working at the CEC demonstration gardens in Fernwood, in schools across the CRD, from home, or in the CEC office space in Fernwood.


What benefits do I get?

CEC Volunteers gain valuable skills through the education of young learners and interactions with the public while building knowledge on composting and organize gardening.



If you’re excited about our work and would like to see what other like-minded organizations have on offer for volunteers, we suggest contacting any of the following organizations — they all do fantastic work and are always looking for help: