Book an Adult Workshop

We are happy to come to your organization and share knowledge about the topics listed below. Online options are also possible, and workshops can be delivered to your group on Wednesdays through Saturdays. Daytime offerings are preferred, but evenings are also possible.

Custom workshops are also available. Please be in touch using the form below to share what you are looking for. Composting Basics, Worm Composting, and Soil Life workshops can be shortened for a one hour-long “lunch and learn” format.


  • Cultivating Healthy Soil in the Garden

    Contact for price quote · 2 hrs

    In this workshop we’ll explore the basis of all life on earth: Healthy Soil! We’ll explore what soil is made of and the vast importance of soil microbes. We’ll answer these questions and many more: 

    • What is soil made of and why does soil chemistry matter for growing healthy gardens?
    • What is the function of beneficial soil microbes?
    • What are some gardening methods that can help my garden thrive with beneficial soil microbes and healthy soil chemistry?
    • How can I compost like an expert, mulch like a superstar and build soil organic matter every day of the year?
    • Check out on site composting operations in the demonstration gardens: Earth machines, hot compost, tumblers, sheet mulches and worm bins! Together we will build a compost pile.

    Come learn why soil is so important for plant growth and how to build incredible soil. 

  • Yard-Free Composting

    $200 · 2 hrs

    We’ll cover options that are available for composting without a yard. Surprisingly, there are many, and we’ll discover the benefits and drawbacks to each so you can determine the system that is right for your life & home. We’ll learn about: 

    • countertop electric food dehydrators & “composters” 
    • private food scrap pick up, municipal food scrap pick up & proper use of greenbins 
    • bokashi composting 
    • worm composting 

    Bring your questions, we’ll have time for Q & A.

  • Zero Waste Living

    $200 · 2 hrs

    Ever dream of a life where you create no waste? With some thought and planning, it’s possible! In this workshop, we’ll explore a typical home – from the bathroom to the kitchen, the garden to the living room, and identify a variety of ways that you can go waste free by making simple changes in your everyday life. At the end of the workshop, we’ll each make a commitment to an action that we will hold each other accountable to in weeks to come. Bring something to write with?

  • Resilient Lifestyles: Permaculture 101

    Contact for a price quote · 2 hrs

    Resilient Lifestyles are necessary in these times of climate change, forest fires, and a pandemic. Learn about how you can model your garden, home and life after nature, using the permaculture principles. Permaculture is a sustainable design theory modeled on natural ecosystems.  With attention paid to where these practices and where this knowledge originated, come and learn about the ethics and principles of permaculture, and scale-able ways to apply the theory to your garden, home and life. 

  • Planning Your Year-Round Veggie Garden

    Contact for price quote · 2 hrs

    Here in Victoria good planning makes it possible to harvest produce from our gardens during every month of the year. Knowing when to sow seeds is important. But it’s just as crucial to know when and how to transition one crop to another. This presentation will show you how to plan to grow year-round, care for your soil, protect your crops in winter, and we’ll even touch on pests and diseases!

  • Soil Life: Really Important Tiny Lives

    $200 · 1-2 hrs

    Soil is capable of supporting plant life and is vital to life on earth, yet we understand very little about its complexities. Dig deeper with this introductory soil science workshop where we’ll look at the soil ecosystem and the microbiology that helps us grow nutritious food.

  • Worm Composting

    $200 · 1-2 hrs

    Everything you need to know about starting up and maintaining a worm bin compost system, also known as vermicomposting. Perfect for small space composting and apartment living, or in addition to other composting systems you already have started at your home. Vermicompost is every gardener’s dream as a finished soil amendment, and serves as a fast, easy food waste diversion tool. 

  • Advanced Composting

    $200 · 1-2 hrs

    Advanced Composting aims to broaden the scope of participants’ knowledge of composting methods.  Topics covered will include dynamic accumulators and hot composting, compost tea, in-situ composting methods and humanure.

  • Composting Basics

    $200 · 1.5 hrs

    What is the recipe for compost success and why does composting matter? This workshop will explore the answer to these questions, and will offer instructions on what it takes to produce an amendment for your garden that is rich in beneficial microorganisms and nutrients! We’ll cover the 6 factors for composting success, how to choose the best composting system for your needs and how to increase the rodent resistance of your compost pile.