Fall Plant Sale: August 10, 10am-2pm

FREE Workshop Worm Composting

Compost Education Centre 1216 North Park Street, Victoria, BC, Canada

  Learn everything you need to know about starting up and maintaining a worm bin compost system, also known as vermicomposting. Perfect for small space composting and apartment living, or in addition to other composting systems you already have started at your home. Vermicompost is every gardener's dream as a finished soil amendment, and serves […]

FREE Workshop: Soil: Really Important Tiny Lives

  Learn the basics of soil biology and get familiar with the web of life beneath your feet! Soil supports plant life and it is vital to life on earth! In this workshop we’ll dig deeper with into the biology of soil: the soil food web, and the myriad benefits that soil microbes have in […]

SEMSEMÍYE: Indigenous Pollinator Stories

Compost Education Centre 1216 North Park Street, Victoria, BC, Canada

  Learn about how a young girl transformed herself to care for the land for many generations. ŚW̱,XELOSELWET Tiffany Joseph is a W̱SÁNEĆ knowledge carrier apprentice. Her learning has included SENĆOŦEN language, W̱SÁNEĆ plant relatives, and environmental restoration through various training experiences. This workshop will incorporate these learnings as she's weaved them into a story […]

FREE Workshop Advanced Composting

Compost Education Centre 1216 North Park Street, Victoria, BC, Canada

  This workshop aims to broaden the scope of participants’ knowledge of composting methods and will cover methods of composting that require more work and attention. Topics covered will include hot composting to produce big quantities of nutrient rich, living compost quickly, increasing the biology and nutrients in your compost pile using dynamic accumulators, how […]

Fermenting Miso

Compost Education Centre 1216 North Park Street, Victoria, BC, Canada

  Come join us for this 2 hour hands-on miso workshop, where you will not only learn how to make the traditional soybean miso, but also meet the core ingredient called koji, used in most Japanese (and some Asian) ferments including soy sauce, sake and rice vinegar. With a more earthy and deeper flavour than […]

Herbal Winter Wellness

Compost Education Centre 1216 North Park Street, Victoria, BC, Canada

  As the summer draws to a close, let's fill our pantries with herbs for immune support! We'll explore some of the most helpful herbs we can employ for lung and sinus support, and discover how we can incorporate herbs, plants and foods to support our general wellness. We will learn how to make herbal […]

Growing Perennial Vegetables

Compost Education Centre 1216 North Park Street, Victoria, BC, Canada

  Learn about the wide variety of perennial vegetables you can grow in the Pacific Northwest. Many people know about asparagus and artichokes, but did you know that there are many different perennial vegetables that do well is our climate? These plants are nutrient dense, long lived, and resilient to a changing climate, and are […]

Grow Your Own Mushrooms

Compost Education Centre 1216 North Park Street, Victoria, BC, Canada

  In this workshop students will learn the main steps used in cultivating mushrooms at home using low tech methods. The lecture will include basic fungal biology, information on tools needed to grow mushrooms, making liquid culture, grain spawn and preparation of straw for Oyster mushrooms and for King Stropharia. For the hands-on part, students […]

FREE Composting Basics (Online)

  What is the recipe for compost success? Why does composting and waste reduction matter? This workshop will explore the answer to these questions and will offer instructions on what it takes to produce an amendment for your garden that is rich in beneficial microorganisms and nutrients! We'll cover the 6 factors for composting success, […]

Fermenting Kimchi

Compost Education Centre 1216 North Park Street, Victoria, BC, Canada

  Come join us for a fun vegan and gluten-free kimchi making workshop. Kimchi is a traditional and iconic Korean fermented vegetable dish that is included in every Korean meal. It is refreshing, tangy, somewhat sour if fermented long enough and savoury and goes well with numerous dishes. In this 2-hour hands-on workshop, you will […]

FREE Workshop: Sheet Mulching

Compost Education Centre 1216 North Park Street, Victoria, BC, Canada

  In situ composting, or soil building in the form of Sheet Mulching is a fast process of building fertile soil where there isn’t any, converting lawn landscapes into active growing gardens, or simply adding more nutrients to existing gardens. We’ll first learn about the principles behind sheet mulching and why/how it works, then we’ll […]

Remembering the Twilight

Compost Education Centre 1216 North Park Street, Victoria, BC, Canada

  How do we tend to this threshold into the darkening days and as the world around us gets ready for winter's long sleep? How might we tune into our deep imagination as an inner resource as we court the archetype of twilight and our inner creative muse? How might we turn towards our own […]