Preschool – Grade 3

Workshops may be delivered in our straw bale teaching building  or at your facility, while site tours take place in the Compost Education Centre demonstration gardens.

Workshops are available Wednesday-Friday, 9:00am – 4:00pm.

For prescribed learning outcomes (PLO) click HERE.

Wrigglers at Work Series
Part 1: Wrigglers at Work
Length:  1 hour
Cost:  $55/workshop, $40/optional worm bin

Students will build a worm bin together, a composting ecosystem you can keep in your classroom. Action-based activities build an understanding of what worms and other living things need to survive. Your class may choose to keep the worm bin for an additional cost of $40.00.  Students will learn the importance of composting, the basics of what can and cannot be fed to the worms, while interacting with our fun puppet friends. Your class will now be able to compost up to 30% of classroom waste!

Wrigglers at Work Series
Part 2: Wonderful Wastes
Length:  1 hour
Cost:  $55

Book 5-6 months after “Wrigglers at Work”.

Students who have tended a worm bin in their classroom will work together to harvest the rich castings and start a new cycle in their worm composter.   Songs and games make this a lively and informative hour.

Interactive Garden Tour (available April-September)
Length: 1 hour
Cost:  $55

Children will find our gardens to be a feast for their senses as they taste, touch, and smell some of the organic goodies growing at the Centre. Everyone will also learn the what, why and how of composting while meeting our puppet friends in our straw bale classroom.

Soil Superstars
Age:  Grade 1-Grade 3
Length:  1 hour
Cost:  $55

Learn how soil is part of the food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the houses we live in! Hands-on, discovery-based activities with soil and worm friends, encourage students to unearth the importance of soil and to become soil stewards.

Corey’s Compost Story
Age:  Preschool-Kindergarten
Length:  45 minutes
Cost:  $55

Follow Corey (a friendly apple core) and Brownie (a helpful leaf) in this interactive puppet show as they learn about “browns” and “greens” and how to make compost in a backyard bin.